If a child is a victim of school bullying, he or she might not talk to the parents about bullying. This topic may be difficult and shameful to the child. If your child is being bullied at school, it is necessary to intervene immediately. The victim of bullying can be recognised from the following signs:
The child does not want to go to school, waking up is hard even in the school mornings. The reason may be that another unpleasant day is ahead. The child is being bullied at school and he or she is depressed.
Problems caused by bullying may reveal themselves in the child in many different ways. He or she might cry, be in a bad mood, keeping unusual distance or in a protection status. If you suspect that your child is the victim of school bullying, first try to talk with him or her. Unusual behaviour may refer to school bullying. However, the child may not necessarily admit it. Therefore, if you have any suspicion, you should also talk with your child’s friends and the school personnel.
School bullying can also be physical. For that reason, you should also check your child’s clothes in case of suspicion. Marks of falling or ripped clothes may refer to bullying. Also, the victim’s hair may be partially torn out in relation to school bullying. Several bruises and marks of hitting may refer to school bullying too.
Special attention must be paid to the school things of the child. The bullies may damage or steal the child’s things or clothes. The child may want to avoid wearing new clothes at school, fearing that they might get damaged due to bullying.
Another indication of bullying may be that the child is vomiting due to anxiety, cannot sleep at night and is wetting the bed.